Celebrating Tish's Extraordinary Life!

In honor of the unforgettable Tish, a fearless spirit whose vibrant life provided inspiration and light to everyone she encountered, we celebrate her enduring legacy as a powerful reminder of the profound impact one person can have on the world. Tish's boundless energy and unwavering courage continue to inspire us all, urging us to live with the same fearless spirit and relentless passion that defined her extraordinary life.


Honoring Tish's Legacy Of Love And Joy

Our beloved Tish is now in heaven. Like many of you, I feel a mix of joy and sorrow—joy that she is free from pain and able to dance once more; welcomed by the God and Savior she devotedly served, and sorrow for the loss of her vibrant spirit and the void it leaves in her family's life.


Katy: I met Tish a couple years ago, at a Taspen's family gathering. I had known of the Gerson Therapy for many years, and had never met anyone that had done the protocol. We hit it off immediately and became friends. We shared a passion for all things regarding natural healing. I am so thankful to have gotten to know her. She was an amazing warrior! We love you!
Sonya: Tish was my very best friend when I was a senior in high school. She had a smile and sense of humor and a love of life that will stay with me forever. When she moved away we lost touch, but then reconnected several years ago. It was as if no time had passed and we took right back up where we left off. I will never forget her strong faith and trust in God, even when it didn’t go the way she thought it would. I miss her so much and look forward to the day we are reunited and she can show me around Heaven.
Shannon: We juiced together. Made Hippocrates soup together. Talked politics and religion, AND sex together! Not many people can do all that together! Over the last year we may not have been in as much contact with all of her travels for health and treatment, but we loved each other all the same. I will miss our bond. But her smile and energy is seared in my memory, in my heart. I can still hear her voice: "God's got this." Yes, Tish, He's got this. He's got you, my dear friend.
Erika: Tish was a collector of people. One can’t help but be drawn to someone so passionate, loving and accepting! Her laughter and joy could fill a room, but she still made all those around her feel seen and heard. Over the years we enjoyed, camping, karaoke, backyard fireside evenings, girls trips, jewelry parties, walking through the joys and challenges of this life together. I feel so blessed that I get to call her my dear friend.
Angie: Tish was an “all in” type of person. When she decided to do something, she would commit 100%. I remember praying over her the day after the accident and we prayed, “fight, fight, fight.” That is what she has done for ten years. She fought for her life. She fought for her health. She fought for her faith. She fought for her principles. The passion that God created her fight with also created her love.
Maggie: She lived the last ten years as many people would hope to achieve in a lifetime, with so many experiences and joy. She also gained a lot of knowledge throughout, which she shared anyone who was willing to listen. My fondest memory was of a portrait photoshoot I did for her, where we laughed and goofed around with different outfits and poses, it was so much fun! God bless Tish, and I'll never forget you.
James: I’m grateful for every minute I spent with Tish “My True” Love. Rather we were talking or singing or laughing or crying or reading our marriage book together—it was in all those moments, I knew, “I just really loved her.” Hope you all enjoy these photos and videos Tish asked me to share with you...I know she loved and appreciated all of you.
Stacey: She is one-of-a-kind. I have been following her journey for the last ten years following her accident and all her trials since then. She is a warrior of EPIC proportions and I am sad she's no longer in this world—but no doubt lighting up the heavens with her smile. Ring Ching Angel!
Erika: Tish touched so many lives. I met her my first couple days on campus at Millikin University. She chose me to be her little sister at our sorority Pi Beta Phi. She never stopped being my big sis well beyond our time at Millikin. She was always there for me. She was a life changing friend. I will forever remember her smiling, singing and dancing. She was the very best.

A Final Message From Tish

Honoring Tish's Legacy Of Love And Joy

Thank you all! Your prayers have kept me with maintaining a mustard seed size of faith. I’m so blessed by my community! I can’t wait to get back out there and serve as well! You all have not only helped to feed me, support my treatments, bring me books, you send notes, you call and pray, you encourage me daily in my hope and healing! Your prayers are working. The forgiveness and grace of God radiates into me! Today I am seeking peace. I will start with peace in me. Play and work balance, loving relationships and taking time to simply be. I love you all! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Tish